Monday, December 21, 2015


Have come back to this blog after some 4 years on an afternoon where I have some time to kill while I wait for the troops to do some work before I can continue.

Since the last post, I acquired a contract as a CFO at a privately owned group of companies with one of Auckland's rich families. One of the family owners still works partially in the business for about 3-4 hours a day and the other other died some time ago.  This place is a memorial to hard work and calculated risk taking.  There are 3 of us senior managers who run the company with all up about 50 staff scattered across 6 operating companies and 20 investment companies.

The owner and my fellow managers are huge fun to work with.  The owner loves his toys and we have a company jet because he has piloted planes and helicopters for many years.  Great getting around NZ without queuing, security, late planes and traffic to and from the airports.  Fantastic.  Boy do you feel like a celeb when pulling up to a regional terminal in a private jet.  A trip to the South Island and back can be done in half a day whereas by commercial planes it is an early start and a late finish.  I will return with stories as time permits.