On wind down to Christmas. Contract expires on Friday so am facing the New Year with trepidation given the gloomy economic news. Just had call from head hunter for a job I applied for so have interview. What a change.
Have applied for 8 jobs in past 6 weeks. Have had 1 interview, 3 email rejections and 4 no replies. We are talking senior positions here. I never treated applicants to even the most junior positions in any of my employers in this manner. This treatment is entirely from HR & Recruitment agencies. My earlier comments re them have been continually reinforced.
Have just seen the government's redundancy law changes. My permanent job disappeared in redundancy in July this year and my 3 month contract started in October. So, depending on when the starting point is, I may not be able to demonstrate 6 months continual employment. The savings rule me out anyway as I have considerably more than allowed.